Your Pet’s Dental Health

The Hidden Truth of Pet Dental Health: The Vital Role of Radiographs

When it comes to our pets’ health, we often think about vaccinations, a balanced diet, and regular exercise. But one area that is sometimes overlooked is pet dental health, which is just as crucial for our furry companions as it is for us. Dental issues can cause significant pain, lead to serious health problems, and often go unnoticed until it’s too late. This is where radiographs, or X-rays, play an indispensable role in veterinary dental medicine.

What Radiographs Reveal

A tooth may look healthy on the surface, with no visible signs of decay or damage. However, much of what is happening inside the tooth and below the gumline is invisible to the naked eye. Radiographs allow veterinarians to see beyond the surface and identify issues like tooth root abscesses, bone loss, or decay that might otherwise go unnoticed.

For example, a tooth that appears strong and intact during a visual exam might actually be decaying or infected deep within. Without radiographic imaging, this hidden issue could progress, leading to severe pain for the pet, tooth loss, and even infections that could spread to other parts of the body. By identifying and addressing these problems early with the help of radiographs, veterinarians can prevent unnecessary suffering and maintain your pet’s overall health.

Before Dental Cleaning
After Dental Cleaning

Why Dental Work is Crucial

Dental disease is one of the most common issues in cats and dogs. It ends up affecting up to 80% of pets by the age of three. Poor dental health can lead to more than just bad breath. It can cause pain, difficulty eating, and can even contribute to systemic issues like heart, liver, and kidney disease. Routine dental work, including cleanings and extractions when necessary, is vital to preventing these problems.

Regular professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar buildup that can’t be addressed with at-home care alone. When a problem is detected, timely interventions—such as tooth extractions—can prevent more serious health issues down the line.

Pet Tarter Build Up Dental Health
Before Dental Cleaning
Pet Dental  Cleaning and Health
After Dental Cleaning

Maintaining a Healthy Mouth

In addition to regular veterinary check-ups and professional cleanings, there are steps you can take at home to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. Brushing your pet’s teeth regularly, using vet-recommended dental chews, and feeding a balanced diet are all important ways to reduce the risk of dental disease.

At Navy Blvd Animal Hospital, we’re committed to ensuring the best possible care for your pets. Radiographs are a crucial tool in our dental toolkit. It helps us detect issues early and keep your pet smiling brightly for years to come. Don’t wait for a problem to arise—schedule a dental check-up for your pet today!

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